Achievements |
2013 |
Evaluating and reporting Alcohol Policy Change in the International Alcohol Control Study : GAPA |
Host GAPC2013, Global Alcohol |
International Alcohol Control Study, Korean National Research Foundation |
2012 |
International Alcohol Control Study, Korean National Research Foundation. |
2011 |
International Alcohol Control Study, Korean National Research Foundation. |
“National Moderate Drinking Plan” in『2020 Korea National Health PromtionPlan』 |
: Ministry of Health&Welfare, South Korea |
International Alcohol Control Project: Ministry of Health, New Zealand |
Study on the liquor tax system: Seoul National Hospital |
2009 |
The formation of the cultural acceptance and step by step strategy study |
to introduce Alcohol Regulatory policy, Ministry of Health&Welfare, South Korea |
Seoul Convention Development, Seoul Korea |
Collaborative study with WHO for Alcohol harms victimsin the Emergency Room |
: National Institutes of Health, USA |
2008 |
Study on the relationship between Alcohol and injuries, |
Ministry of Health&Welfare, Seoul, South Korea |
Moderate-Drinking Program Development, Korea Public Health Association |
Seoul Convention Development, Seoul Korea |
Moderate-Drinking Programsin theWorkplace, Korea Local Public Health Centers |
Health promotion assessment of Eden Adventist Hospital patients |
2007 |
Youth Contact Index of Noxious environment, Government Youth Commission |
“The Computation of the Alcohol-attributable Fractions in Korean Death Causes,” |
Ministry of Health &Welfare, South Korea |
Seoul Convention Development |
Research ethics education development, KoreanNational Research Foundation |
2006 |
International Health Improvement Policy Assessment, |
Ministry of Health&Welfare, South Korea |
Local Public Health Plan, Paju Public Health Center |
Textbook Development for Moderate Drinking by Life Cycle, Gunpo Public Health Center |
Seoul Convention Development |
2005 |
Nowon-gu 4-year Local social welfare plan, Nowon-gu, Seoul City |
Index development for moderation in drinking and Alcohol Policy, |
Ministry of Health &Welfare, South Korea |
Performance and Assessment model development for Moderate drinking programs |
in the workplace in Seoul City |
Kimpo Community diagnosis and Health promotion program evaluation, |
KimpoPublic Health Center |
Seoul Convention development |
2004 |
National Alcohol control policy development to reduce Alcohol consumption, |
Ministry of Health &Welfare, South Korea |
Youth Alcohol prevention policy development, The Commission on Youth Protection |
2003 |
Research on the actual condition of binge-drinking and Alcohol problems for prevention |
policy development for University students, Ministry of Health &Welfare, South Korea |
2002 |
Teenage smoking habits and prevention-model development, |
The Commission on Youth Protection, South Korea |
2001 |
Evaluation of the Publicity activities in universities and education program operation for |
moderate drinking, Ministry of Health &Welfare, South Korea |
2000 |
50-year history of school public health and school food, the Ministry of Education |
Publicity activities for University Alcohol problem prevention and Public Health training |
Program development for universities, Ministry of Health &Welfare, South Korea |