About us    History
Main Activities
In 2012
The 1st Joint International CAS & KIAP Conference Korean Society of Alcohol Science.
In 2011
Established ties with the Thai Health Foundation Center on Alcohol Studies
In 2010
International Alcohol Control Project is initiated. Hosted More than 20 domestic alcohol conferences and two international conferences. Submitted the“National Moderate Drinking Plan”
To the『2020 Korea National Health Promotion Plan』
February ~Present
StartedEnglish-language KIAPseminars once a month.
In 2009
seminar related to health issues and drinking problems was held.
An academic seminar was held.
Joined the Global Alcohol Policy Alliance for global networking
Korea Alcohol Policy (2) was developed and suggested through review of the World Alcohol Policy
international conference was held and researchers from America (NIAAA) were invited.
In 2008
The KIAP was recognized for the first time by the WHO and a collaborative study on 'Alcohol and Injuries' was carried out.
In 2007
The KIAP was evaluated and rated “the best institute” in Sahmyook University Performed the Alcohol Epidemic Survey nationwide: the contribution rate of
death due to alcohol was calculated for the first time in Korea.
In 2006
Conducted a collaborative study of 'Alcohol Problems' with the Korean Society of Alcohol Science (KSAS).
In 2005
Established the Korean Institute on Alcohol Problems (KIAP). (President Chun , Sungsoo)
The criterion to evaluate moderate and excessive drinking in Korea was suggested by KIAP.
Updated and Progressive Alcohol policy (1) was suggested by the KIAP.
In 2003 ~ 2004
Conducted a collaborative study with the CAS (College of Alcohol Study) of Harvard University in USA.
In 2002
Performed an alcohol survey of university students nationwide.(63universities)
In 2001
Developed a prevention program for college students drinking problems.
In 1999
The KCAS (Korean College of Alcohol Study) team was established.
The first research on the college alcohol problem, and analysisof the factors related to drinking.